Jon Gooch, otherwise known as man behind Feed Me has released his brand new A Giant Warrior Descends On Tokyo EP. The EP includes four tracks titled "Different World," "Wuzzle," "Spilt Milk," and "High...
Feed Me and Kill The Noise have teamed up once again to release their huge new collaboration "Far Away." This track features signature sounds of each producer blended into enticing melodies and...
Jon Gooch otherwise known under his alias Feed Me, has released a brand new four track EP titled Feed Me’s Psychedelic Journey. The new EP was written while Feed Me took time off from...
After the release of his first single "Time For Myself" off his upcoming EP, Feed Me is back with his second single "Alarm Clock." This has Feed Me's signature electro sounds written...
Feed Me has just announced his North American Bus Tout, "Feed Me's Psychedelic Journey" and plans to release a new 4 track EP on his label, Sotto Voce. The tour will travel across the...
UKF has uploaded the entire track to Kill The Noise's remix to his own original track with Feed Me titled "Thumbs Up." The remix is part of Kill The Noise's Black Magic Remixes...
The Drop is back with their 65th episode of their weekly podcast. This episode features tracks by Dyro, Above & Beyond, Walden, Feed Me, Disclosure, Hook N Sling, as well as an...
Feed Me on a remix for Monsta? You know this is going to be good! The vocals combined with Feed Me's electro stye make this a really dope track. Check out the...
Electric Forest returns to Rothbury, Michigan, June 19-22, 2025, with an immersive celebration of music, art, and community. Known for blending genres...