Nicky Romero has released the official music video for his latest single with Vicetone, "Let Me Feel" featuring When We Are Wild. The video, directed by Peter Huang, follows the story of a father’s...
Nicky Romero has just released a massive new remix package for his track "Feet On The Ground" with Anouk. The package comes with five huge remixes by Arno Cost, Merk & Kremont,...
Nicky Romero's brand new single with Vicetone titled "Let me Feel" featuring When We Are Wild is now out on his own Protocol Recordings. This is a powerful progressive house tune with...
Out today on Nicky Romero's Protocol Recordings is "New Life" by Dutch duo Bobby Rock featuring Cimo Fränkel. This track is a total progressive house anthem with inspiring vocals, melodic build ups, and...
First premiered during his Ultra Music Festival set, and now officially out on his Protocol Recordings label is Nicky Romero's new single "Feet On The Ground" with Dutch rockstar Anouk. The single...
Protocol family member, John Christian wanted to take his new track "Next Level" up a notch and what better way than having label head, Nicky Romero edit it. The progressive house tune...
Out not through Nicky Romero's Protocol Recordings is Vicetone's latest new single "White Lie" featuring the vocals of Chloe Angelides. The track is a powerful and uplifting anthem that features high energy...
The Protocol Recordings boss, Nicky Romero, presents Miami 2014, a compilation of tracks including exclusives from promising, emerging talents such as Amersy, Chris Kaeser, John Christian, and more, while also offering forthcoming Protocol releases from Bobby Rock, Sultan + Ned Shepard,...
Breakaway Music Festival, the nation’s largest touring dance festival, is partnering with Wynn Las Vegas’ premier nightlife division, Wynn Nightlife, for the first-ever Breakaway Takeover...